
《科技与法律》 汽车智能化的道路:智能汽车、自动驾驶汽车安全监管研究

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翁岳暄 早稻田大学理工学术院高西研究室 外国人研究员
多尼米克?希伦布兰德 早稻田大学理工学术院笠原研究室 JSPS 外国人特别研究员

摘 要:
近年来我们正目睹当代“功能汽车(Feature Car)”逐渐进化为“智能汽车(Smart Car)”的潮流,而这股革命性趋势的原因就在于智能汽车对非结构化环境的高适应性。从安全监管角度来看,功能汽车的车用电子控制系统具高度可预见性,因此功能汽车之ECU嵌入式控制单元对于环境的理解程度十分接近地面实况(Ground Truth)。然而,德国T?V安全认证机构的研究报告指出这一切将可能不再适用在智能汽车上面,特别是当驾驶辅助系统(Driver Assistance Systems)开始展现一些(半)自动行为以后。除“智能汽车(Smart Car)”之外,无人介入的“自动驾驶汽车(Robo-Car)”亦将引发更多关于安全监管和道德伦理等问题,因此作者尝试以自动化伴随的“开放组织风险”为中心,贯穿这股科技变革的起点(“智能汽车”)和终点(“自动驾驶汽车”)分析其潜在安全隐患以及治理之道。



多尼米克?希伦布兰德(Dominic Hillenbrand),现任日本早稻田大学理工学术院笠原博德研究室洪堡-JSPS外国人特别研究员,曾任美国UCLA嵌入式系统实验室访问学者(2007)、英国剑桥大学计算机实验室访问学者(2008-2009),德国卡尔斯鲁厄理工学院工学博士;主要研究方向:。嵌入式系统、低功耗计算、计算机架构、系统软件开发、可重构系统。

The Intelligentization of Automobiles:Smart-Cars, Robo-Cars and their Safety Governance

WENG Yueh-Hsuan, HILLENBRAND Dominic
Faculty of Science and Engineering, Waseda University

Currently, we are witnessing the transition from feature- to smart-cars, and it will be arevolutionary trend since smart-cars? highly perception with unstructured environments. The control systems in feature cars are well understood and within our theoretical frameworks. Certain safety properties of stability control systems-for example-can be formally proved. The underlying physical models are well understood and can be fitted with accurate sensor readings. The ECUs understanding of the environment is therefore close to the ground truth. However, as pointed out in this is no longer the case for smart-cars where driver assistance systems implement (semi)-autonomous behaviors. Except to smart cars, the other unmanned autonomous robo-cars could derive more safety and ethical problems. Thus, the authors would like to analyze potential safety gaps and also to provide our suggestions for safety governance regarding the implementations of smart/robo-cars.

Smart Cars; Robo-Cars; Open-Texture Risk; Safety Governance; Robot Law

《科技与法律》 期刊 - 中国科技法学会, 北京大学法学院主办:
汽车智能化的道路:智能汽车、自动驾驶汽车安全监管研究 - 翁岳暄,(德)多尼米克?希伦布兰德

《网络法律评论》 期刊 - 北京大学出版社:
人类-机器人共存的安全性:新ISO 13482服务型机器人安全标准 - 翁岳暄,(英)G.S. Virk, 杨书评
云计算问责视角下的合同问题与等级服务协议 - 翁岳暄
Law via the Internet: 为何中国没有LII? - 翁岳暄, (意)Giovanni Sartor, (意)Giuseppe Contissa, (意)Enrico Francesconi, (意)Ginevra peruginelli
人机共存社会中隐含的开放组织风险:评 "开放式机器人" - 翁岳暄
