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ROBOLAW.ASIA | Kyushu Initiative for Ethical Design and HRI (Ver. 3.0) is an interdisciplinary research organization focused on the study of Ethical, Legal and Social Issues (ELSI) in AI robots. It was established on December 1st 2023 in Motooka, Fukuoka, Japan. It is affiliated with the Inamori Frontier Program at the Institute for Advanced Study (IAS), Kyushu University.
       Since 2004, the Japanese Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry has published a series of robot policy guidelines which address business and safety issues for Next-Generation Robots. They predicted a “Human-Robot Coexistence Society” will emerge by 2030. Along this line, the Cabinet Office recently launched the Japanese Moonshot Research & Development Program which covers many long-term strategic goals for the development of Next-Generation Robots. Take the Moonshot Program’s 3rd Goal, which aims to bring about the “Realization of AI robots that autonomously learn, adapt to their environment, evolve in intelligence and act alongside human beings, by 2050” as an example. The Program’s member institute Hirata Laboratory, Graduate School of Engineering, Tohoku University is now focused on creating a group of adaptable AI-enabled robots which will be made available in a variety of places. Each robot will be usable by anyone at any time and will adjust its form and functions according to the individual user to provide optimal assistance and services. However, the integration of Next-Generation Robots into human society is a gradual process, and we believe that the call to consider ELSI in AI robots is essential during the development stage.
       Accordingly, we have founded the ROBOLAW.ASIA organization to explore new possibilities in the intersection of artificial intelligence and the law. An advantageous feature of ROBOLAW.ASIA is that it will employ a research network to carry out interdisciplinary research. The formal structure will lie between a “research center” and a “research association” and will be formed by the agreement of multiple research institutions from different fields to promote challenging and innovative interdisciplinary research with their mutual support and collaboration. The current structure of the ROBOLAW.ASIA research network includes three functional hubs, ROBOLAW.ASIA (Ver. 1.0) in Changchunyuan, Beijing, ROBOLAW.ASIA (Ver. 2.0) in Aobayama, Sendai and ROBOLAW.ASIA (Ver. 3.0) in Motooka, Fukuoka. Through the strategic collaboration between the research network and the IEEE P7017™ Working Group, we hope to achieve innovative ELSI research results in AI robotics. ROBOLAW.ASIA will adhere to its original beliefs. On the one hand, it will aim to understand major trends in AI and robotics while also thinking about the optimal form and application of "robot law" in an Asian context.


About the Principal Investigator

  • Dr. Yueh-Hsuan Weng: Associate Professor, Inamori Frontier Program, Institute for Advanced Study (IAS), Kyushu University [HP]
  • Address: E-C-730, Motooka 744, Nishi-ku, Fukuoka, 819-0935, Japan
  • E-mail: weng.yueh.hsuan.647[at]m.kyushu-u.ac.jp

  • Dr. Yueh-Hsuan Weng: Associate Professor, Frontier Research Institute for Interdisciplinary Sciences (FRIS), Tohoku University (Cross-appointment) [HP]
  • Address: Aramaki aza Aoba 6-3, Aoba-ku, Sendai 980-8578, Japan
  • E-mail: weng.yueh.hsuan.b1[at]tohoku..ac.jp


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